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Healing And Rejuvenating Power Of Ayurvedic Oils

Ayurveda, the holistic health care system prescribes usage of different medicated oils for application on the body, with or without massage for providing health benefits and to treat specific diseases. While most of the medicated oils are for external usage, certain types of medicated oils that are processed with milk are administered orally or by enema as well. Ayurvedic herbs are specially cooked up in an oil base by following ancient formulas with centuries of experience. Ayurvedic oils are known as Thailam in which coconut oil, castor oil, sesame oil and/ or ghee is used for the preparation.

  • Sesame oil: This oil reduces Vata. It is good for promoting strength and health of skin. When mixed with other herbs, sesame oil absorbs their properties without losing its own, making it a popular base oil.
  • Castor oil: It reduces Vata and Kapha doshas, there by reduces the pain and swelling.
  • Coconut oil: Balances pitta and Vata doshas. It promotes heart health, supports a strong immune system, balance metabolism, nourishes the skin and hair.
  • Ghee: Ghee helps to reduce Vata and Pitta doshas. It gives good strength, improves the complexion, improves memory and nourishes the body.

Every skin type has the ability to absorb all nutrients from the oil that is applied. Ayurvedic oils are not just a massage oil instead, they form an entire treatment system with the most effective herbs at its best.


Ayurvedic oils used externally can be applied to specific regions and has many benefits. The general benefits are below:

  • Improves blood circulation: Abhyanga with medicated oil stimulates the surface of your skin leading to production of heat, which improves blood circulation. It improves the metabolism and eliminates toxins from the body.
  • Increases the flexibility: External oil application improves the functioning of body muscles and gives more tone and flexibility.
  • Improves your mood and can beat depression: Oil application helps on the release of certain hormones that calm your mind, relieve stress and help to keep depression at bay.
  • Beats body pain: Due to the action on the muscles and nervous of your body, application of medicated oil helps relieve mild to moderate body aches and pains.
  • Moisturizes the skin: When you rub oil on your body, it helps to get rid of dirt and dead skin and also moisturizes and brightens up your skin.
  • Stimulates nervous system: The nerves get stimulated by oil massage. That helps to sharpen your senses and make your mind more focused.
  • Aids deep sleep: When your entire body is relaxed by oil massage, you are more likely to sleep well.
  • Removes toxins from your body: Regular medicated oil application for a period of time improves the functioning of sweat glands, leading to better functioning of the elimination system of your body.


  • Relieves you from anxiety and stress
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Resolves sleep deprivation and promotes sound sleep
  • Reduces migraines and headaches
  • Aids in release of endorphins (hormones which make you feel happy)
  • Enhances memory, alertness and cognition
  • Strengthen your senses and brings you clarity


  • Relieves joint pain
  • Reduces inflammation and stiffness of joints
  • Promotes self-healing of cells, tissues, bones and muscles
  • Improves flexibility of joints and protect your bones from degeneration.
  • Besides from bone problems, these oils are super good in sports medicine for both loosening and strengthening the muscles and joints that provide you with improved performance and easy functioning.


  • Cleanses and nourishes the skin
  • Reduces skin inflammation and skin rashes.
  • Helps in various skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, leukoderma, acne etc.
  • Reduces oxidative stress and skin aging
  • Helps to reduce dark spots, warts and improve skin texture and tone.


Internal use of oils is recommended in Ayurveda for the internal lubrication of body. Internal lubrication helps to reduce dryness, stiffness, pain, process toxins and balance Vata. Medicated oils can be administered internally through the mouth, nose (Nasya) or through the rectum (Vasti). Each type of applications has its own specific value and purpose. Medicated oil or ghee is administered orally in different diseases. Administration of oils through the nose reduce breathing problems, opens the sinuses and improves brain functioning. Administration of medicated oil through rectum relieves all vata diseases like low back pain, constipation, gout and so on.


For gaining proper strength and reduce disturbance of the overall body, choose Ayurvedic oils based on your body type.

For Kapha body type– Mahanarayan Taila, Dhanvantaram Taila, Karpuradi Taila, Triphaladi Taila

For Pitta body type– Chandanadi Taila, Kshirabala Taila, Brahmi Taila, Asanamanjishtadi Taila

For Vata body type– Balashwagandha Taila, Bala Taila, Mahanarayana Taila, Dhanvantaram Taila


Visit Liv Ayurveda for your needs of Ayurveda oils and Ayurveda massage therapies.

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