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Healthy Solutions for Insomnia in Ayurveda

Insomnia is defined as repeated difficulty with sleep initiation, maintenance, consolidation or quality that occurs despite adequate time and opportunity for sleep and results in some form of day time impairment . Ayurveda considers sleep to be one of the “Three main pillars of life” (TRAYA-UPASTHAMBHA) diet and sex being the other two. So sufficient sleep is essential for optimal health. Insomnia comes under Vatananatmaja vikara and is called Anidra. An improper diet and lifestyle cause aggravation of Vata in the body that travels through the channels of the head and cause sleeplessness.


  • Transient Insomnia: lasting from a night to week and usually caused by events which alters normal sleep pattern, such as traveling or sleeping in an unusual environment.
  • Short term Insomnia: lasts about two to three weeks and usually attributed to emotional factors such as worry or stress.
  • Chronic Insomnia: occurs most nights and lasts a month or more.


  • Substance abuse; such as smoking, excessive intake of sugar, caffeine, alcohol and recreational drugs
  • Disruption of circadian rhythms; such as shift work
  • Uncomfortable and unusual sleeping environment
  • Psychiatric and neurological conditions; such as depression, manic depressive disorder, restless leg syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Biological factors; due to advancement in age, the internal biological clock that regulate sleep creeps slightly forward, compelling most senior citizens sleep earlier and wake up early
  • Sleep disordered breathing; sleep apnea
  • Chronic illness; congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart burn, prostatic problems, menopause, diabetes and hyperthyroidism.Excessive computer work or watching television
  • Use of certain medicines; long term use of decongestants, bronchodilators and beta blockers


  • Inability to sleep despite being tired
  • Not feeling refreshed
  • Day time drowsiness, irritability, difficulty in concentrating
  • Impaired ability to perform normal activities
  • Body ache and heaviness of the body


A sub-dosha of Kapha known as Tarpaka nourishes brain cells and provides a good sleep at night. Any imbalance relates to this dosha causes poor nourishment of brain cells. A sub-dosha of Pitta known as Sadhak Pitta controls emotions, desires, spirituality, and decisiveness. Imbalance of this dosha makes a person demanding and workaholic that causes lack of sleep. Prana Vata is a sub-dosha of Vata which is linked to insomnia, worry, anxiety, and depression. Prana Vata makes nervous system sensitive that in turn leads to insomnia. The doshas that lead to this disease may vary from one person to another. The Ayurvedic treatment mainly focuses on balancing the aggravated energies in the body through herbal medicines and systematic lifestyle plans. Overall relaxation of mind leading to neuronal and hormonal balance is very important to overcome insomnia.



  • Maintain active mental and physical life
  • Have a body massage with sesame oil
  • Practice of yoga and meditation
  • Avoid excessive consumption of coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol and smoking
  • Avoid incompatible, indigestible, hot and spicy food.
  • Avoid heavy meals at night
  • Include fresh fruits, avocado, pasta, brown rice, dairy products.Have nuts such as almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanut


  • Panchakarma followed by balancing therapies like abhyanga (body massage), padabhyanga (foot massage), shirobhyanga (head massage), shirodhara (streaming of warm oil at forehead that allows deep relaxation) with medicated oils, shiropichu (oil pack at crown) with Ksheerabala Taila and takradhara (streaming of medicated butter milk at forehead)
  • Yoga: Pranayama, Suryanamaskara, Bhujangasana, Pdmasana, Paschimottasana and Savasana are beneficial in insomnia
  • Advice to do light physical activities before going to bed at night, bath in warm water before bed time, sleep on comfortable bed, maintain a regular sleep pattern and to reduce screen time prior to bed time.


  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Jatamamsi (Nordostachys jatamansi)
  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
  • Mandookaparni (Centella asiatica)

There are different Ayurvedic herbal combinations that very beneficial in triggering and improving sleep.


  • Have a glass of warm milk with green cardamom powder every day before going to bed.
  • 1 teaspoon of licorice root powder mixed with a glass of milk every day on an empty stomach in the morning

As mentioned before sleep is an outcome of overall health and well-being especially the balance of Tarpaka Kapha, Sadhaka Pitta and Prana Vata. Contact Liv Ayurveda to book your consultation with our experts.

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