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What is Ayurveda?

The word Ayurveda means “Science of life”. It is one of the oldest of health care which originated in India at least 5000 years back. It is a holistic system of health care that is in continuous practice since its origin. Ayurveda has a unique understanding of the body and time-tested diagnostic aids and therapies for wellness and various chronic and acute diseases and infections. According to Ayurveda, everything in this universe is made up of five elements such as Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space. In a human body, these elements are recategorized as three doshas (Life forces) called Vata (the air factor; made of space and air), Pitta (the fire factor; made of fire and water), and Kapha (water factor made of water and earth). We are healthy when these factors are balanced, and any imbalance of them brings ill health. Ayurveda aims at bringing and maintaining the balance with diets, lifestyle, herbal medicines, and other natural treatments which ultimately help in healing the individual totally.

What is Panchabhuta?

According to eastern philosophy, everything in this universe is made up of five great elements of material existence known as Panchamahabhuta or Panchabhuta. They are space/ ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Space/ ether provides the space for the object to occupy. Air gives movements, fire gives energy and earth gives mass.

What is DOSHA?

According to Ayurveda, everything in this universe is made up of five elements such as Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space. In a human body, these elements are recategorized as three doshas (Life forces) called Vata (the air factor; made of space and air), Pitta (the fire factor; made of fire and water), and Kapha (water factor made of water and earth). We are healthy when these factors are balanced, and any imbalance of them brings ill health. According to the dominance of these doshas, humans can be different from one another. Accordingly, individuals are grouped into different body types in Ayurveda. As these body types are decided by the dominance of doshas in one, Ayurvedic body type is also referred to as Doshas sometimes.

I know the type of massage I need; will you be using tailored massage strokes and products?

Yes, when you visit Liv Ayurveda for the first time you will be filling a detailed form and accordingly your oil and/or other products are decided. The initial strokes of massages are designed to assess the body as well and accordingly the rest of the massage will be tailored.

How can I know the type of massage I need?

Under services you will be able to read the Ayurvedic massage services. If you are confused about the type of massage needed, it is recommended to visit for an initial consultation to make a plan that suits your health needs.

Do I need an Ayurvedic massage session for my health condition?

Ayurvedic massage therapies are total therapies that support in wellness and in many health conditions. So, massage sessions are highly recommended for faster and better recovery in many health conditions. During your consultation, our experienced Ayurvedic Practitioners will recommend a therapy plan involving the type, duration, number and frequency of massage therapies required. If you have any practical challenges about massages, our skilled Ayurvedic Practitioners would be able to advise alternative ways to support your healing.

What is the difference between Ayurvedic massage and other types of massages?

Ayurvedic massage involves use of herbal products and specific strokes. The herbal products, strokes and the types of massages are decided by the body type and/ or imbalance. There are a number of massages available in Ayurveda; Ayurvedic hot oil massage (Abhyanga), Herbal scrub (udwartana), Marma massage (oil massage with focus to vital points in the body) and Shirodhara (streaming of warm oil on forehead) to name a few. Abhyanga (Ayurvedic hot oil massage) involves specific long strokes to relax the body, address to vital points by trigger point therapy and marma therapy to improve the energy flow.

I am interested to do a cleansing; can I book for a detox from tomorrow?

Panchakarma needs to be individually tailored and planned. So, begins with an initial consultation where you are assessed in Ayurvedic terms and the plan is decided. It is highly recommended to plan the initial consultation 3-4 weeks prior to detox as that gives the opportunity to boost your digestion and metabolism so that the body is ready for cleansing. After that it is highly recommended to do some form of internal lubrication (Our Ayurveda experts will guide you) so that toxins are processed and separated from tissues. If you are away from Sydney, initial consultation can be done online and the herbs needed can be posted to you. Ayurveda also recommends quick cleansing; means doing a cleansing without any preparation because the level of toxins is mild or the cleansing is immediately required.

Do I need Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is Ayurvedic cleansing, and is an essential component for healing the body from root causes and improving the wellness. So, it is highly recommended in many treatment plans. Our Ayurvedic practitioner will recommend you the type/s and duration of Panchakarma.

What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma the name for Ayurvedic detox therapies. It is a Sanskrit word meaning five procedure. Ayurveda discusses about detox elaborately and recommended five procedure to the cleanse the body from root. Panchakarma is recommended seasonally to maintain health and in diseases to correct the imbalances. At Liv Ayurveda, we provide quality Panchakarma services to cleanse your body from root causes.

Who is an Ayurvedic Doctor?

A graduate with Bachelors’s in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is known as an Ayurvedic Doctor. That is the minimum qualification required to practice Ayurveda in Indian Subcontinent. It is a 5.5-6 years course, the structure being quite similar to MBBS. However, they are not qualified practitioners in western medicine or a GP. IN Australia, generally, Ayurvedic Doctors are known as Ayurvedic Practitioner or Ayurvedic Physicians.

Is Ayurveda a legitimate system of healthcare in Australia?

Yes, Australia recognizes Ayurveda as a Bonafede system of healthcare.

Does Private insurance cover your Ayurvedic services?

Yes as of now, many private insurance companies cover our consultations. Talk to your insurance agent to know about your coverage. It can depend upon your level of insurance coverage.

Does Medicare cover your services?

Unfortunately as of now, Medicare doesn’t cover Ayurvedic consultation/treatments.

Can I eat normally when under Ayurvedic Care?

The purpose of the Ayurvedic diet is to remove the causes and to support the body to get free of symptoms soon. The diet can also be modified to help to cleanse you and heal you. So, most of the time diet is for your health condition not for the Ayurvedic therapy you are following. The practitioners at Liv Ayurveda are skilled in recommending practical diet guidelines, so discuss with us your challenges in diet and we can support you. From our experience, you would be able to heal yourself just by following the diet in many instances. In short, if you want to heal as soon as possible, it’s recommended to adhere to the diet.

What would be the cost of the Treatment?

The cost of your Ayurvedic treatment depends upon the severity of your problem and duration (longer the duration, deeper the imbalance) and whether your imbalance needs massage treatments and/or detox treatments (Panchakarma) for a speedy recovery. If you have mild to moderate symptoms for a short duration, you might need only a short course and it can cost only a few hundred. On the other hand, if you have severe or complex symptoms for a long time, you might need a longer course including Ayurvedic detox and massage treatments. Then it can go to a few thousand dollars. Having said that, if you are struggling financially, an economic plan based on self-care can also be made and in many, they are equally effective to heal them.

When can I see the Results?

The speciality of Ayurveda is that it focuses on healing the patients holistically instead of blocking the symptom. Ayurvedic practitioners help you to find the root cause of the disease and help in giving a cure that can keep diseases away from you for the long term. The time taken to see the changes depends on the severity of the disease. It also depends upon the time taken to consult with the practitioner. If you can approach the practitioner as soon as possible and follow the instructions properly, then you can start seeing changes within few days to weeks (5 days to 4 weeks in most cases).

What is the course of Treatments?

The treatment differs according to the person and the disease he/she is suffering from. After assessing your physical and mental condition, the practitioner suggests an appropriate treatment plan. According to the duration and intensity of the problem, you may need a systemic plan involving anti-inflammatory, balancing, detoxing, and/or strengthening therapies. At Liv Ayurveda, we recommend beginning your journey in Ayurveda with an initial consultation where our experienced practitioners can assess you in Ayurvedic terms and recommend what to be done. The therapies can include diet changes, lifestyle modification, massages, herbal medicines, yoga, and Ayurvedic detox therapies (Panchakarma) which will contribute to tackling the illness and keeping it away from you.

Can Ayurveda help me?

Yes, Ayurveda can help you to improve your health and well-being and correct your imbalances. Ayurveda is a time-tested system of health care that was serving millions in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years. Recently there are many scientific studies that proved the efficacy of Ayurvedic therapies in different conditions. Furthermore, it’s recognized by the WHO as traditional medicine. As Ayurveda works to improve your wellness and bring back to balance, Ayurveda can support almost any health condition. If you adhere to the treatment and ayurvedic medicines as recommended by the ayurvedic practitioner, Ayurveda can help in healing the health issues and keeping diseases at bay.

Do I need any specific preparations before coming for Ayurvedic Massage Sessions?

Not really. Please come clean. Come for massage without being full; neither starving. It is recommended not to wear any expensive clothing or jewelry to avoid being stained with herbal products. At Liv Ayurveda, we provide the towels and other accessories required for massage therapies.

Can I take shower after the Session at Liv ayurveda?

Yes, we have facilities to take shower after the massage sessions. However, after most of the massage sessions, it is recommended to give a couple of hours before you take shower. For some specific therapies, it is recommended not to take a head bath immediately. Discuss with your practitioner to know more.

Do I need to follow any specific care after the Ayurvedic Massage?

Take it easy for the rest of the day so that you get the full benefits of the massage. Listen to your body; eating when hungry and resting as needed are also quite helpful. Keep yourself well hydrated. Some massage therapies need some specific care, your practitioner will guide you after the session.

Is it important to take Ayurvedic Herbs/ Ayurvedic Medicines for my Treatment?

Ayurvedic herbal combinations or Ayurvedic medicines are an important part of the treatment. They make the healing faster and better, and in some conditions, they are crucial for healing. At Liv Ayurveda, our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners will guide you there.

Are Ayurvedic Herbs/ products safe to take?

Ayurvedic products are made out of natural ingredients and are time tested. Ayurvedic products are generally safe with next to no side effects or complications if taken properly. If taken according to the advice of an expert in Ayurveda and if you use quality products, Ayurvedic herbs are generally safe. In many conditions, Ayurvedic products give wonderful results.

I am under the care of a different Ayurvedic practitioner, Can I buy my Ayurvedic herbs from Liv ayurveda?

If you know the name of the products, you can buy them from Liv Ayurveda. Liv Ayurveda won’t be able to give any advice on dose or other questions you might have unless you consult one of our practitioners. Please contact us ahead to ensure they are in stock. We are happy to post them as well.

I am interested in some Ayurvedic products. Can I come and buy from Liv Ayurveda?

If you know the name of the products, you can buy them from Liv Ayurveda. Liv Ayurveda won’t be able to give any advice on dose or other questions you might have unless you consult one of our practitioners. Please contact us ahead to ensure they are in stock. WE are happy to post them as well.

I am interested in some Ayurvedic personal care products. Do you have them?

At Liv Ayurveda, we have a wide range of Ayurvedic personal care products available. Visit in-store or online.

What are the brands of Ayurvedic products you have?

Liv Ayurveda uses high-quality Ayurvedic products that we have been using for years. We use mainly organic and/or high-quality products from Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala, Vaidya Ratnam, Khandige, Organic India, and so on.

What sort of Yoga Liv ayurveda teach?

Liv Ayurveda offers Yoga classes on traditional yoga. Classes begin with gentle stretching postures through to some classic postures according to the group and teacher involved. Then it progresses to Pranayama/ breathing exercise and ends with a quick session of meditation.

What is Yoga Consultation?

Yoga consultation means an individual one to one session with a Yoga therapist at Liv Ayurveda, where you will get a personalized Yoga routine that supports your healing, provides a self-care plan that can be practiced without causing any more injuries to you, and/ or a routine that supports your body type and needs/ situation.