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Ayurveda offers one of the most effective ranges of massage treatments. Calming nerves, boosting circulation and absorption through the skin can do wonders in healing, and we see that again and again at Liv Ayurveda with our Ayurvedic massage treatments. At Liv Ayurveda, we offer an array of Ayurvedic massages that cater to the needs of balancing the body, calming the mind, boosting metabolism, improving digestion, healing pains, and promoting vitality. By leveraging herbal oils, powders and/or herbal pouches, these massages lend a big hand in enhancing blood circulation and fortifying the lymphatic system. Additionally, it keeps your skin smooth, helps in overcoming stress, and makes you mentally healthy. Our certified practitioners and therapists are skilled and experienced in Ayurvedic massages and provide you massage therapies that cater to your individual needs.

Abhyanga is an ayurvedic whole-body hot oil massage capable of holistic healing and is done using both palms and tips of the fingers. For this massage,

Padabhyanga comprises the Sanskrit words “Pada” meaning “Foot” and “Abhyanga” meaning “Massaging”. It is a holistic therapy and as the…

Champi Massage
Champi is an Ayurvedic head massage, performed by massaging the scalp to the hair tips using the prescribed oil. The marma points or pressure points…

Neck And Shoulder Massage
The neck and shoulder muscles are prone to stress and pain mostly due to poor posture in workspaces. Here a marma / energy massage is performed on…

Back Massage
Ayurvedic back massage is concentrated on the spine region and the marma points in it, making it a popular massage for ailments related to the back….

Shirodhara | The Relaxation Bliss
Shirodhara is an ayurvedic head massage done by the steady streaming of oil on the forehead. The word “Shirodhara” is a combination of the Sanskrit words…

Takradhara | Butter Milk Therapy
Takradhara is an ayurvedic massage therapy in which herbalized buttermilk is poured on the forehead. In Sanskrit, “Takra” means buttermilk and…

Dhanyamla Dhara
Dhanyamla Dhara is an ayurvedic massage therapy, which uses a herbal liquid obtained from the fermentation of cereals. “Dhanyamla” in Sanskrit…

Kati Vasti | Deep Oil Therapy For Back
Kati Vasti (also known as Kati Basti) is an ayurvedic deep tissue treatment that aids in the treatment of lower back ailments. Kati refers to the lower…

Janu Vasti | Deep Oil Therapy For Knees
Janu in Sanskrit refers to the Knee, and Vasti / Basti refers to the dam or compartment which holds the herbalized oil. Janu Vasti (also known as…

Hridaya Vasti | Deep Relaxation For Heart Charka
Hridaya Vasti is similar to Kati Vasti, except for the fact that it is performed on the chest. Hridaya in Sanskrit refers to Heart and Vasti is the…

Pinda Sweda | Ayurveda Pouch Massage
Pinda Sweda is an ayurvedic massage therapy involving sudation, the process of sweating. Pinda means bolus, and Sweda means sweating in…

Griva Vasti | Deep Oil Therapy For Neck
Griva Vasti (also known as Greeva Basti) is an ayurvedic deep tissue treatment similar to Kati Vasti. Griva means neck in Sanskrit and Vasti refers to the…

Churna Pinda Sweda | Ayurveda Pouch Massage
Churna Pinda Sweda is a type of Pinda Sweda or sweat-inducing ayurvedic massage treatment using a bolus. Churna in Sanskrit means powder and…

Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda
Shashtika Shali refers to a type of rice harvested in 60 days while Pinda means Bolus, and Sweda means sweating. Therefore, Shashtika Shali Pinda…

Known as ‘upward movement’ in Sanskrit, Udwarthanam is an exfoliating and anti-cellulite Ayurvedic massage treatment. It is performed by…

Originated from Kerala- a Southern State of India, Pizhichil is an ayurvedic massage therapy, which means squeezing. This therapy combines two…

Ayurvedic Marma Massage
“Marma” is a Sanskrit word meaning “hidden or secret”. This is the meeting point of different tissues including muscles, ligaments, bones, joints,…

Postnatal Massage
Postnatal massage is a whole-body massage prescribed for women after childbirth. It is generally carried out within 7 to 14 days after delivery, …

Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage or prenatal massage is a customized massage therapy that caters to the requirement of pregnant women. During pregnancy, …

Karna Purana | Ayurveda Eye Treatment
“Karna” refers to “Ear” and “Purana” refers to “Fill” in Sanskrit, and as the name implies, Karna Purana is an ayurvedic procedure in which the ear…

Netra Tarpana
The Sanskrit words “Netra” means “Eye” and “Tarpana” means “Nourishment”. Netra Tarpana is performed on the eyes by pooling warm medicated…

Thala Pothichil | Ayurveda Head Pack
“Thala” denotes “Head” and “Pothichil” denotes “Covering”. Thus, Thala Pothichil is an ayurvedic therapy in which the head is massaged and then…

Navel Displacement Treatment
Navel displacement occurs due to lifting heavy objects on an empty stomach, excessive usage of abdominal muscles, or even due to obesity. Symptoms…

Steam Bath
The steam bath is a sweat-inducing therapy that helps in detoxification. The person undergoing therapy sits in a box, with their head out. The box is filled…
Improves blood circulation
Tones muscles
Relieves stress and stiffness
Improves lubrication of the joints
Helps eliminate toxins
Boosts endurance
Reduces knee pain and back pain
Enhances elasticity and glow of the skin
Promotes weight loss
Betters sleep quality
Improves digestion and metabolism
Alleviate specific health conditions