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  /    /  Panchakarma Plans


As Panchakarma involves multiple steps and procedure, it is recommended as a plan. A plan involves different stages like


deepana and panchana

Deepana is introduced as the first stage of Pancha Karma therapy to boost digestion and improve metabolism. Deepana recommends making lifestyle changes while taking herbal medications and following a healthy diet as well as massage therapies. Furthermore, while improving Agni, the digestive fire, Deepana turns out to be one of the most important therapies before the Pancha Karma procedure. It is usually suggested by the Ayurvedic practitioner during the detox consultation or initial consultation or follow-up consultation, based on health conditions or when the body seems ready.


Processing and preparing to expel toxins from the body and help reduce inflammation, Pachana involves herbs, diet, lifestyle changes and massage therapies. Being a part of Poorva Karma therapy, Pachana utilizes herbs and spices like cinnamon, trikatu, ginger, chitrak, black pepper, cumin and more. As undigested toxins play a major role in a wide range of diseases, Pachana helps in digestion and metabolism while relieving sickness. Also, Pachana is carried out after fasting and usually in times of acute fever conditions to clear the ama state and improve the process of healing.

Sneha Vasti Treatment Sydney


Swedana Steam Bath

Snehana prepares the body for Pancha Karma therapy while lubricating tissues to help separate the toxins from the tissues. Snehana is crucial for toxin release as it is performed by applying medicated ghee, herbs and oil in both internal and external ways. Also, Snehana involves Abhyanga, one of the common forms of external lubrication where medicated oil is used. With Snehana or Oleation therapy, it becomes easy to eliminate imbalanced dosha during the Pancha Karma treatment. In addition, Snehana helps remove Vata disorders from the body and offers relaxation.


Widening channels and opening pores facilitate the elimination of toxins. This involves steam therapies introduced with the purpose of removing doshas and maintaining balance in the body. Sweating is induced during Swedana for preparing the body for Pancha Karma treatment and is done after a proper analysis of a person’s body type. Based on that, dry sweating or wet sweating is performed. For Kapha dosha, dry sweating and for Vata dosha, wet sweating is induced after or along with lubrication that helps improve metabolism, offer relaxation, enhance mobility and soothe sore muscles.

Swedana Steam Bath



The Ayurvedic cleanse, Pancha Karma helps eliminate toxins from the body. Before that, the Utklesana procedure is implemented which involves melting toxins the day before the cleanse making them easy to remove during the Pancha Karma therapy. Utklesana procedure is vital to Pancha Karma and has a major role to play in its efficiency. Thus, the specific diet and lifestyle changes that Utklesana suggests should be followed as such. Furthermore, the Utklesana procedure depends on the type of toxin accumulated in the body and helps get mental clarity and revive metabolic power.


Pancha Karma, the actual cleanse which includes the detoxification of the body in a holistic way helps open up blocked channels and promote self-healing. To purify the body, Pancha Karma brings with it 5 therapies, namely Vamana which induces vomiting, Virechana to induce diarrhea, Sneha Vasti for lubricating enema, Kashaya Vasti for cleansing enema and finally, Nasya for the nasal cleanse. While assisting in improving mental health, Pancha Karma helps maintain overall health as well as draws positivity and peace into the body making one feel rejuvenated and giving a meditative outlook.



Post-Procedural Protocol of Panchakarma

Peyadi Krama is a post-procedure to Pancha Karma therapy that involves the implementation of special diet and lifestyle changes. Peyadi Krama becomes necessary as the digestive system function might weaken after the excessive dosha removal during the Pancha Karma and its administration depends on a person’s Shodana type. Hence the patient is highly recommended to avoid normal or regular food and follow the specialized diet plan. The diet slowly graduates from liquid food to solid foods to help strengthen the digestive system while boosting the capacity to digest all foods.


Rejuvenation and improving virility and fertility, these procedures are done using herbal jams and ghee, herbal latte and massage therapies. Rasayana implements herbal medications, diet changes and lifestyle changes to help maintain health, promote anti-ageing and bring comfort to your life. Vajikarana therapy, on the other hand, is carried out to help boost sexual health while treating sexual dysfunction and preventing premature ejaculations as well as help provide strength and potency. Also, it restores health and equilibrium in the body by helping nurture the seven dhatus of the body.

Uttara Vasti Treatment in Sydney