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  /    /  Why Yoga and Meditation?

Why Yoga And Meditation

Boosts Metabolism

Boost metabolism

During metabolism, the food and drink you consume get converted to energy. This energy is then utilized for crucial bodily functions including digestion and breathing. However, with poor metabolism, your body could burn only a few calories leading to excess weight and might experience weakness as well as mood swings. Now, yoga brings balance to your life and along with meditation, it enhances oxygen intake and boosts metabolism in your body. Furthermore, some of the yoga asanas like Anjaneyasana or crescent pose, Garudasana or eagle pose and more when practised daily and in the proper way help improve overall health.

Strengthens and Tones Muscles

Who said you need a gym to strengthen the muscles? Turn to yoga and experience its amazing benefits. While adding yoga and meditation to your lifestyle might help tone your muscles in the arms, thighs and lower abdomen areas, it also strengthens your overall body giving you the power to excel in whatever you do. Just like any cardio workouts, yoga asanas also help burn calories and enhance energy flow in the body. Now, as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or bridge pose strengthens back muscles, hamstrings and buttocks, each yoga pose could be utilized to focus on different areas of your body as well as relieve pain in those regions.

strengthens and tones muscles

Revitalizes the Body and Mind

revitalizes body and mind

Though physical health and mental health seems entirely different, they are connected in many ways and could influence a person’s overall well-being. However, incorporating yoga practices into your lifestyle helps sustain physical health while keeping your emotional health in check. Also, when a stressful life might threaten your mind and body, yoga and meditation bring a relaxing vibe. With yoga and meditation, you could live in absolute harmony and get rid of any stress or anxiety coming your way. Furthermore, yoga brings to you several breathing exercises to help promote calmness and improve concentration.

Reduces Aches and Pains

Body pains might turn your life upside down. But practising yoga and meditation in the right way would help you maintain physical fitness alongside your mental health. While some of the yoga asanas stretch your muscles and strengthen your overall body, meditation keeps your mind stress-free thereby bringing balance into your life. Besides, there are several yoga asanas offering relief from different kinds of pain like Trikonasana for neck pain, Salabhasana for lower back pain and many more. Ultimately, yoga and meditation form an excellent solution to painful conditions like chronic pain, arthritis, migraine and so on.

reduces aches and pain

Enhances Body Flexibility

enhances body flexibility

Increased flexibility and better posture are two essential things in your health goal for reducing muscle tension and making it easier to move your joints. Practising yoga poses like Reverse Warrior Pose helps stretch your muscles, strengthens the legs and improves spinal mobility. While doing yoga daily, you could witness by yourselves the changes it would bring to your life. However, getting advice from an expert in the yoga field could help enhance the results as well. Additionally, this could help you avoid pushing yourself to do a pose in an improper position or doing it too much than required.

Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition that requires special attention from your side as part of your health care. Having said that, a hectic lifestyle including uncontrolled food habits, smoking and stress are the main reasons which pave the way to conditions like hypertension. With yoga poses like the cobra pose that helps in enhancing blood circulation and oxygen, you feel relaxed and your true self. Furthermore, this pose also alleviates stress and aims for heart health. With proper guidance, practising yoga poses can control blood pressure for achieving the goal of a healthy heart.

lowers blood pressure

Improves Heart Rate

improves heart rate

Yoga, derived from the Vedic period remains to be one of the best preventive measures for heart disease. Practising yoga poses like Tadasana (mountain pose) will help improve your heart rate, Utkatasana (chair pose) opens up your heart while working on your breathing rate and the list goes on. As for the goal of acquiring lower blood pressure, ideal lung capacity and improved heart rate, this type of yoga pose seem to play a pivotal role. Also, yoga and meditation are best for maintaining a relaxed mind and a calm sense of being and that’s an essential part of the heart’s health.

Support Healing

The restorativeness of yoga poses plays a vital role in healing various parts of the human body. Bridge pose, Child pose and more fill your life with essential benefits such as alleviating pain and strengthening the muscles with flexibility. Most importantly, these poses help relieve depression or anxiety, encourage the body to heal holistically and support the immune system. However, it’s an important thing to keep in mind that yoga poses should be performed with a proper warm-up. Also, when practised in the proper way, yoga would always help bring additional benefits.

support healing

Increases Blood Circulation

increases blood circulation

Blood circulation could be increased through yoga. The yoga practices like downward-facing dog pose, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, help in better circulation as it places your hips and heart above your head, which allows gravity to aid with blood flow to your head. This pose also helps improve your legs’ circulation and boost their strength as well. Another excellent yoga practice for boosting blood flow to the scalp is Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). It helps enhance the supply of blood to your brain and reverses blood flow, which also assists the heart’s blood circulation bringing balance to your whole body.

Improves the Functioning of Internal Organs

With frequent yoga practice, the internal organs could become more detoxified. Yoga poses, which combine deep breathing with abdominal organ-targeting stretches and twists that massage and compress internal organs, help reduce the number of digestive discomforts, including gas, constipation, and bloating. Poses like Balasana or child’s pose could be of assistance and not to mention yoga help stimulate the internal organs, which boosts your body’s resistance to sickness as well. Furthermore, after years of training and being connected to your body, you will be able to detect any problems with it right away.

internal organs

Harmonizes the Body, Mind and Spirit

harmonizes body mind and soul

Yoga practices when introduced to your life on a daily basis help improve bodily awareness and sharpens concentration in addition to fostering mental clarity and peace. Now, when you practise yoga, your body is infused with an energising spirit that instantly improves your mood. Also, with yoga, it’s possible to manage anxiety and depression caused by a stressful life and balance numerous hormones as well. In addition, you become more upbeat as a result, and you start to view life from a different angle. Yoga asanas, pranayama, and dhyana are all techniques for keeping the mind from straying.

Helps to Reduce Stress and Sleeplessness

Yoga is an excellent approach to improving sleep habits. It helps people achieve balance on the inside and out, stay healthy, and find peace and tranquilly. Shavasana (Corpse Pose), Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall Pose), Balasana (Child’s Pose), Bidalasana (Cat Pose), and Halasana (Plough Pose), can substantially aid in relaxing and, as a result, help you obtain more sleep. Regularly practising these yoga poses can help you sleep well. Furthermore, breathing techniques known as pranayama can assist with relaxation, breathing control, and deep breathing. As a result, you’ll feel more at ease in your body and mind.

help reducing sleeplessness