Panchakarma (Ayurvedic detox)

All of us at a certain phase wonder, what happened to me or to my loved ones as we/they are not as we/they used to be anymore.

Always feeling heavy, tired and demotivated Looking and feeling older suddenly Losing the luster of the skin, eyes and hairs Gaining weight easily Poor digestion, feeling gassy and bloated Frequent diseases Always feeling like many things are wrong or one is always sick

In short, we lose our quality of life. This is a sign of ama, accumulation of toxins in the body, and Ayurveda offers one of the most elaborate detoxification procedures of the body known as Pancha karma. From ancient times Ayurveda says that health has not only just a physical aspect to it, but also a mental, emotional and spiritual aspect as well. Ayurveda recommends various self-care routines to maintain overall health in an individual and various natural treatments are advised to reverse ill-health and gain back our overall health. Ayurvedic detox therapies are the epitome of this self-care and treatment regimes. Whether you have a disease condition or you are just not feeling well enough, PANCHAKARAMA therapy is advised and can be tailored according to your needs.


Panchakarma literally means FIVE THERAPIES and comes under the heading of sodhana therapy (purification or detoxification therapy). If something upsets our stomach, we tend to vomit. If the intestines are affected, we get diarrhea. Phlegm is eliminated through nose and mouth and so on because these are the natural channels of cleansing the body. Ayurveda recommends to use these natural channels of cleansing in an increased, but controlled way to cleanse the system.


Emesis (inducing vomiting)
  • Ultimate cleansing for stomach and Kapha (water factors)


Purgation (also known as purge; inducing diarrhea)
  • Helps to cleanse the whole gut, ultimate cleansing for Pitta (fire factors)


Oil Enema (lubricating enema)
  • Helps to cleanse pelvis, ultimate cleansing of Vata (air factors)


Herbal enema (cleansing enema)
  • Known as Chikitsardh- the half of all therapies. Helps to cleanse Vata, addresses Pitta, and Kapha as well.


Nasal cleanse
  • The cleanse for head and neck

Why Panchakarma

As mentioned before the purpose of Pancha karma is to eliminate the toxins accumulated in the body. According to Ayurveda, these toxins (ama) are produced as a result. Agni means fire. It is the energy and particles that help the metabolism function in the body. It is agni that digests the food we consume. When agni functions properly, the food is digested well and assimilated properly into our body. Agni can be affected with various causes like…


Pancha karma gives the body an opportunity to reset and reboot. By the process of cleansing, the load on the organs like gut and skin are reduced. The gut environment is improved, which boosts gut flora that helps to improve overall well-being of the individual. With the combination of massage and steam, a person can attain a blissful feeling that leaves the body healed, feeling refreshed and also rejuvenated.

Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment Sydney


After the main procedure of pancha karma is done, Ayurveda recommends to slowly ease back to normal lifestyle by taking the same number of the days so that body rest and get time allow time to absorb the benefits of Pancha karma. After Pancha karma body can be at ease with slow digestion. So a person is recommended to follow an easy and clean diet and lifestyle according to the principles of Ayurveda to bring the best out of Pancha karma. This is called samsarjana kriya (diet after Panchakarma).

Post-Procedural Protocol of Panchakarma

In samsarjana kriya, the aim is to gradually alter the diet from lighter to heavier foods. It is recommended begin with warm liquid meals to solid foods. This is also known as peyadikrama in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda panchakarma


Ayurveda panchakarma

After pancha karma, it is time to nourish tissues. Rasayana is the 7thanga (limb) of Ayurveda, that explains ways to improve wellness, immunity, strength and youthfulness. Rasa means the juice and ayana means the rituals, so this limb of Ayurveda explains how we can maintain ourself juicy (as we age, we shrink) and vibrant, both physically and mentally. Ayurveda recommends diet, lifestyle, herbal jams, specific rejuvenating herbs and massage therapies (like shashtika shali pindasweda, pizhichil, etc please tag them here) for rasayana. It is important to cleanse the body before doing rasayana so that body can process rasayana better. As rasayana is heavy in nature, the rasayana medications can make the body sluggish. This affects digestion and metabolism and increases toxin accumulation in the body. At Liv Ayurveda, our experienced Ayurveda practitioners guide you through Rasayana/ rejuvenation as part of your panchakarma plan or an individual rejuvenation plan as needed.


Vajikarana - Improving Sexual Health and Fertility

Sukra, the reproductive tissues are considered as the seventh and deepest of all tissues in human body. So when the body is accumulated with toxins, they are the most affected tissues reducing virility and fertility and causing hormonal, sexual health and fertility problems. Vajikarana, the eighth limb of Ayurveda explains specific care and therapies to improve sexual health. After pancha karma, vajikarana is recommended along with rasayana therapies for rejuvenation and improved sexual health and fertility. Vajikarana involves herbal formulations, massage therapies and diet. At Liv Ayurveda, our experienced Ayurveda practitioners guide you through Vajikarana as part of your panchakarma plan or will provide an individual vajikarana plan as required.

Vajikarana - Improving Sexual Health and Fertility


As Panchakarma involves multiple steps and procedure, it is recommended as a plan. A plan involves different stages like


Boosting digestion and metabolism. Deepana involves, herbs, diet, lifestyle changes and massage therapies.


Processing and preparing to expel the toxins from the body and also reduce inflammation. Pachana involves, herbs, diet, lifestyle changes and massage therapies.


Lubricating tissues to help separate the toxins from the tissues. Snehana involves internal lubrication via taking herbalised ghee or oil and oil massages


Widening channels and opening pores to facilitate elimination of toxins. This involves steam therapies.


This procedure involves melting toxins the day before cleanse. It involves a specific diet and lifestyle.


The actual cleanse which includes enema, purge, nasal cleanse and / or inducing vomiting.


Post procedural diet and lifestyle


Rejuvenation and improving virility and fertility. These procedures are done using herbal jams, herbalised ghee, herbal latte and massage therapies.

The stages are carefully chosen according to the specific individual needs, some of you might need the actual cleanse only; and some others the entire process. According to the imbalance, strength of the body, season and practical situation, at Liv Ayurveda we carefully tailor the detox plan that meets your specific health needs.

Basic Plan of detox: 3 days plan begins from as low as $750
Advanced plan of detox: 3 days plans begin from $1200
Instant detox plan (Sadya karma): Begins from $150
Home based Pancha karma: begins from $199
Gentle Cleanse (Langhana/ cleanse based on diet and lifestyle): Begins from $99

Visit LIV AYURVEDA for an authentic experience of Pancha karma. Contact us on 02 7805 6110 or