Ayurvedic Treatments

In today’s world, there is an umpteen number of diseases that are either minor or complex. WE can find various reasons for these diseases or discomforts. As per Ayurveda, the root cause is the lack of balance in the doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) which arises as a result of multiple factors including improper diets and unhealthy lifestyle. Ayurveda offers natural solutions to a wide range of diseases and health conditions. At Liv Ayurveda, we possess a team of accomplished and certified Ayurvedic practitioners & therapists who have excellent traditional wisdom, ability to identify the disorders and knowledge on the treatment procedures. We provide short-term and long-term treatment as well for numerous diseases and health issues ranging from digestive diseases, skin problems, eye disorders, ear problems and fertility issues to chronic pains, musculoskeletal disorders and anaemia. If you are experiencing any trouble with your health, visit Liv Ayurveda for a consultation. Our consultants after thoroughly examining your symptoms, health and, the mental state will recommend you an individually tailored Ayurvedic treatment plan.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This is a condition where an individual experiences too much exhaustion and sleep deprivation. Prolonged fatigue, the lack of energy even after resting…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sydney

Heart Disease

Ayurvedic Treatment For Heart Disease Sydney

Heart diseases are common, problematic and treatable. It can derange your heart which can put your life to a state of danger. Heart disease arises…


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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Every movement our body makes is supported by our musculoskeletal systems, simply put, the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. Musculoskeletal disorders…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Musculoskeletal Disorders Sydney

Digestive Disorders

Ayurvedic Treatment For Digestive Disorder Sydney

Our body witnesses many processes on a daily basis and digestion is one of the complex and vital processes carried out within a body. Digestive disorders are those…

Skin Diseases

The Skin is the largest and one of the complex organs comprising 7 layers. Moreover, it’s the most exposed organ to the environment and apparently,…

Ayurvedic Skin Treatment Sydney

Respiratory Diseases

Ayurveda For Respiration Problem Sydney

The life of an individual can affect massively when the respiratory system encounters any problem. Respiratory diseases are those diseases that affect…

Menstrual disorders

Regular menstruation is a sign of a healthy body and deviation from that needs to be addressed. Problems with quality of blood, nutrition, development, hormonal…

Ayurveda For Menstrual Problems Sydney

Fertility Issues

Vajikarana - Improving Sexual Health and Fertility

Chronic pain can take roots in your body due to many factors. Sitting for a longer period, injuries, improper posture and tissue inflammation are some…


Obesity is a condition where an individual’s body comprises an excessive level of accumulated fat. Commonly it’s known as overweight or excessive…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity Sydney

Chronic pain

Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Pain Sydney

Chronic pain can take roots in your body due to many factors. Sitting for a longer period, injuries, improper posture and tissue inflammation are some…


Formerly known as Fibrositis, Fibromyalgia is a condition which causes muscle, joints, tendon and ligament pains. Some other symptoms of this disease are sleep…

Fibromyalgia Ayurvedic Treatment Sydney


Ayurvedic Treatment For Anemia Sydney

Anaemia is a condition where the haemoglobin in the bloodlessens which in turn shortens the oxygen flowas Haemoglobin carries the oxygen to the…

Hair loss

Is your hair falling despite your young age? Try our natural treatment at Liv Ayurveda. Hair loss is a major concern for many. The presence of dandruff, inadequate sleep,..

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Loss Sydney


Ayurvedic Treatment For allergy in sydney

Simply put, Allergy is an overreaction of the immune system when it meets new substances. People with a weak immune system are prone to allergies…

UrinaryTract Infection(UTI)

The urinary tract is the system in our body that deals with wastage removal. It is composed of organs like Kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Every component …

Ayurvedic Treatment For UTI in sydney

Kidney stones

Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Stones Sydney

Kidney stones are a very common problem that a good per cent of the people suffer from. It’s a hard substance that forms in the Kidney as a result of crystallization of…


Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a lifelong neurobiological disorder which becomes obvious in the early childhood of an individual…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Autism Sydney

Sleep apnoea

Sleep Apnea Ayurvedic Treatment Sydney

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder where the breath of an individual is paused frequently while sleeping. The most common cause of this disorder is the…

Eye Disorders

Eye problems (known as Netra roga) have become common with the rise in the usage of electronic gadgets. Other reasons for eye disorders are straining the eyes by…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Eye Disorders in sydney

Ear Problems

Ayurvedic Treatment For Ear Problems in sydney

Ear disorder, also known as Karna Roga in Ayurvedic terms, is a widely seen issue, especially in elderly people. Some of the major reasons are ageing…

High Cholesterol

Cholesterols are a waxy-substance your liver produces for the seamless functionality of the cells. However, problems arise when the cholesterol level goes higher than the adequate…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Cholesterol in sydney